Thursday, March 4, 2010

Change Takes Courage and Faith - SojoMail 03.04.10


They [terrorists] can’t claim that their suicide bombings are martyrdom operations and that they become the heroes of the Muslim Umma [global brotherhood]. No, they become heroes of hellfire, and they are leading towards hellfire. There is no place for any martyrdom and their act is never, ever to be considered jihad.

- Dr. Tahir ul-Qadri, a London-based Pakistani Muslim scholar in a fatwa (religious ruling) against terrorism and suicide bombing. Ul-Qadri is head of the Minhaj ul-Quran religious and educational organization, founded in Pakistan in 1980 to promote peace and interfaith dialogue around the globe. (Source: Al Jazeera)

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Hearts & Minds by Jim Wallis

Immigration Reform: Change Takes Courage and Faith

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The window is closing on comprehensive immigration reform. At least that’s what the politicians in Washington are saying. They’re afraid of more demagoguery. They’re afraid of upcoming elections. They’re afraid of the politics of fear. But I am more and more troubled by how little they seem concerned about the worsening plight of many of America’s most vulnerable families -- about how families are being broken up by the U.S. government, forcibly separating children from their parents. And for the media, immigration reform is just another looming political conflict to report, more of the gamesmanship of Washington to cover.

As always, the real stories of real people get lost in the win/lose politics of the nation’s capital. Yes, the nation is going through some tremendous challenges right now. And we all know that Congress is hesitant to tackle tough issues before mid-term elections. But while politicians can write off one more piece of legislation on a packed agenda, they won’t be able to write off, or ignore, a movement rooted in our faith communities. If our political leaders won’t make room for the “strangers” among us, we will -- because Jesus commands us to do so.

Significant social change does not begin with Congress, and it doesn’t happen overnight; it usually takes a movement, and it always takes courage. Sojourners has been convening, educating, and mobilizing Christians nationwide through our Christians for Comprehensive Immigration Reform campaign for the past three years, and we are proud to be in good company with the growing interfaith movement fighting for dignity and justice for immigrants.

On March 21, 2010, tens of thousands of supporters of immigration reform will join together in Washington, D.C. for the “March for America: Change Takes Courage.” In the faith community, we have amended the tagline to read “Change Takes Courage and Faith” because courage truly does come from our faith.

Changes to our immigration system will simply not happen without both courage and faith. For many of us, faith is a catalyst to action that can solve the really big issues -- and this is one of the biggest ones we face now. People of faith will look beyond the political calculations and see this for the moral and family crisis it is. It will take people of faith to knock down the doors of Congress and bring the stories of immigrant friends, neighbors, and family members as evidence of the injustices that are experienced on a daily basis. Finally, we need faith in a God who is larger than we can imagine, the God who cries as we humans build border walls to separate ourselves from our brothers and sisters on the other side, the God of justice who isn’t persuaded by the political timetables of Washington, D.C.

It’s time to stop playing politics with something that should have been dealt with long ago. The situation will only get worse for both citizens and immigrants if we don’t resolve it now. That’s why Sojourners is launching Voices of Immigration, a new campaign aimed at highlighting stories of immigration in our country and exposing the flaws in the current system. As people who believe that everyone is made in the image of God, we want to restore the human element to the conversation around immigration reform, including subsequent legislative and policy decisions. Each day next week a new story will be highlighted on God’s Politics with additional ones posted throughout March on CCIR’s Web site.

It is our hope that bringing to light the human face of the social, political, and economic problems caused by the current system will demonstrate the urgent need for immigration reform. I hope these stories will inspire you to join us in fighting to fix a broken system that harms us all. We must boldly declare that it is morally wrong to keep families apart, and that it is morally right to fix the broken system so that immigrants are treated with respect and mercy. At this crucial turning point, we must take the call of our scriptures seriously and act prophetically for justice. If Washington fails to make room for the strangers in our midst, we need to make it clear to Washington that we will do it ourselves.

+Click here to take action for comprehensive immigration reform

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Interview with Daniel Berrigan

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+Read our interview with Daniel Berrigan in the most recent issue of Sojourners magazine

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National Supermarket Week

This week is National Supermarket Week, and we want to take this opportunity to once again lift up the plight of agricultural workers, who work long days for little pay. Since 1993, the Coalition of Immokalee Workers has organized low-wage agricultural workers in order to advocate for better pay and improved working conditions. Despite this, the Kroger Company -- the nation’s second-largest supermarket company -- has yet to work with the CIW to guarantee farm workers’ rights.

+Join us now in calling the Kroger Company to ensure farm workers’ rights are respected.


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Peace is Patriotic: Anabaptists and the National Anthem
by Duane Shank

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Excitement and Depression in the Potential for Change in Health Care
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So I'm a Heretic
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Regulating Wily Predators in Ecosystems and Economies
by LaVonne Neff

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The Cost of Doing Nothing About Health Care
by Jim Wallis

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by Kathy Khang

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Evangelicals, Global Relief, and 'the Sin of Sodom'
by Rodolpho Carrasco

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Mennonite College Will Now Play National Anthem Before Sporting Events
by Sheldon C. Good

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Beauty and Ugliness in a Shooting's Aftermath
by Shane Claiborne

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Black History Month Syndrome
by Edward Gilbreath

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Let's Get Theological on Health Care and Warfare
by Jim Wallis

The largest single government discretionary expense is for the military, for fighting wars. Military spending is also, historically, the most wasteful form of government spending with cost overruns, fiscal abuse, political corruption, and shameful pork barrel interests all part of standard operating procedures. So why is there a continual refusal from Republicans to apply their concerns about waste, fraud, and abuse about government expenditures to those expenditures? How does that square with the biblical call to peacemaking and the Christian doctrine that is, at least, suspicious of war as the answer to the problems of human conflict, which should either be outright rejected or very reluctantly accepted as an absolute last resort?
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Real Life on Food Stamps
by Jennifer Wheeler

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Four Friends' Perspectives on Tiger Woods' Buddhism
by Cathleen Falsani

Apart from the Dalai Lama, who reportedly had never heard of him until earlier this week, Tiger Woods is the most famous Buddhist on the planet. But until Woods invoked his Buddhist identity during a televised mea culpa for cheating on his wife and a spectacular fall from grace, like most of his fans, I had no idea the golfer was a follower of the Eight Fold Path.
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