Following is our list of the most romantic films of all time. Hopefully we've included your favorite, but if not, no worries. Let us know about it by posting your comments .Who knows, you may even convince us to add it to the official list.
Pride and Prejudice (2005) – No one does "period" better than Keira Knightley, and she's near perfect in this one. Just kiss him already!
The Graduate (1967) – The film that made Dustin Hoffman and A
Bridge Over Troubled Water household names.
Titanic (1997) – Millions of weepy little teenaged girls spent over $600 million, keeping this one afloat for months.
Hairspray (2007) – Nikki Blonky's performance does as much for the film as her physique will do for pleasantly plump little girls all over the world.
Gone With the Wind (1939) – The Royal Queen Mother of all romance films. Gives hope to all that true love can endure anything.
Ghost (1990) – Proof that love is stronger than life.
Casablanca (1942) – Bogart and Bergman collaborated in this classic set in North Africa during the early years of World War II. Proof that old school romance still works.
Love Story (1970) – Ali MacGraw and Ryan O'Neal sizzled to the tune of no fewer than 13 Oscar nominations and 11 wins. Check it out, it's that good.
The Way We Were (2003) - Yes, Streisand can love too.
Last Chance Harvey (2008) - Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson are wonderful together in this film that shows love CAN happen in a single day.
Amelie (2001) – The French do love so well. I challenge you to not fall in love with Audrey Tautou.
An Officer and a Gentleman (1982) – The '80s were full of cheesy romance, but this one cut through the curd.
Nine 1/2 Weeks (1986) – Adrian Lyne knows how to do romance, but Kim Basinger and Mickey Rourke steal the show in this smoking sexual odyssey.
Beauty and the Beast (1991) – The film's tagline says it all: The most beautiful love story ever told.
Braveheart (1995) – Many have a hard time seeing though the violence to find the emotion, but it's not a stretch to claim we've never seen a stronger display of love from any other film.
Brokeback Mountain (2006) – Yes, it's a love story. And a powerful one at that.
The Brandon Teena Stor(1998) – While we're on the subject of unconventional love, we'd like to mention the documentary that inspired 1999's
Boys Don't Cry.
Pretty Woman (1990) – Yes, hookers need loving too.
Dirty Dancing (1987) – Appropriately, Summer camp becomes the setting for a smoking hot romance.
Father Goose (1964) – Cary Grant and Leslie Caron anchor this romantic comedy set in the wartime Pacific islands.
Lady and the Tramp (1955) – This animated classic features one of the most romantic scenes of all time – and it involves spaghetti!
Big Fish(2003) – Father-son love anchors this heavily decorated Tim Burton film.
An Affair to Remember (1957) – Cary grant appears on the list once again, this time opposite Deborah Kerr in the classic that inspired the next film on this list.
Sleepless in Seattle (1993) – One of the few remakes that can be considered better than the original.
Cold Mountain (2003) – How far would you walk to prove your love and devotion to a sweetie?
Hitch (1993) – Will Smith works his magic on Eva Mendes in this by-the-numbers yet effective nonetheless chick flick.
Spanglish (2004) – Yes, Adam Sandler can do romance. But Paz Vega does it better.
When Harry Met Sally (1989) – One of the few times where sleeping with each other doesn't ruin the romance. Stars Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan.
Lost in Translation (2003) – Bob Harris fell in love with Charlotte while in Japan, but more importantly, America fell in love with Scarlett Johansson.
Mulholland Dr.(2001) – Naomi Watts and Laura Harring try their hardest to bring lesbian love to the masses. Count us among the believers.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) – One of Jim Carrey's best roles. But we've already forgotten how good this one is.
Wall-E (2008) – Beacause
love doesn't always have to be between two humans.
Far and Away (1992) – Cruise and Kidman star in this sweeping American epic.
Dances With Wolves (1993) – Which is more powerful, the historical aspect of this story, or Lieutenant Dunbar's love for Stand With Fist?
Bull Durham (1988) – Features one of the most romantically vulgar quotes of all time.
Top Gun (1986) – The combination of romance and war have been spitting out the classics for ages. Here's another one to add to the list.
The Princess Bride (1987) – THE most romantic fairy tale ever told. Period.
Atonement (2007) – Even one of the greatest lies ever told can't keep these two lovers apart.
The Thomas Crowne Affair (1999) – Another instance of the remake outdueling the original. Oh, and great soundtrack featuring Nina Simone too!
The Reader (2008) - Can 15 year-olds really fall in love? From what we see here, the answer is yes.