Memorial Day History One-time Event Posted: 25 May 2010 02:42 PM PDT  
At about the same time, Retired Major General Jonathan A. Logan planned another ceremony, this time for the soldiers who survived the war. He led the veterans through town to the cemetery to decorate their comrades' graves with flags. It was not a happy celebration, but a memorial. The townspeople called it Decoration Day. In Retired Major General Logan's proclamation of Memorial Day, he declared: "The 30th of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country and during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village and hamlet churchyard in the land. In this observance no form of ceremony is prescribed, but posts and comrades will in their own way arrange such fitting services and testimonials of respect as circumstances may permit." # When was Memorial Day first celebrated? Memorial day was first celebrated on May 30, 1868. It was observed by placing flowers on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers during the first national celebration. Gen. James Garfield made a speech at Arlington National Cemetery, after which around 5,000 participants helped to decorate the graves of the more than 20,000 Union and Confederate soldiers who were buried there. Waterloo held the first formal, village wide, annual observance of a day dedicated to honoring the war dead. On March 7, 1966, the State of New York recognized Waterloo by a proclamation signed by Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller. This was followed by recognition from Congress of the United States when the House of Representatives and the Senate unanimously passed House Concurrent Resolution 587 on May 17th and May 19th, 1966 respectively. This reads in part as follows: "Resolved that the Congress of the United States, in recognition of the patriotic tradition set in motion one hundred years ago in the Village of Waterloo, NY, does hereby officially recognize Waterloo, New York as the birthplace of Memorial Day." Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings and participating in parades. Unofficially, at least, it marks the beginning of summer. Official Birthplace Declared In 1966, Congress and President Lyndon Johnson declared Waterloo, N.Y., the "birthplace" of Memorial Day. There, a ceremony on May 5, 1866, honored local veterans who had fought in the Civil War. Businesses closed and residents flew flags at half-staff. Supporters of Waterloo's claim say earlier observances in other places were either informal, not community-wide or one-time events. By the end of the 19th century, Memorial Day ceremonies were being held on May 30 throughout the nation. State legislatures passed proclamations designating the day, and the Army and Navy adopted regulations for proper observance at their facilities. It was not until after World War I, however, that the day was expanded to honor those who have died in all American wars. In 1971, Memorial Day was declared a national holiday by an act of Congress, though it is still often called Decoration Day. It was then also placed on the last Monday in May, as were some other federal holidays. Tags: memorial day, memorial day quotes, what is memorial day, memorial day 2009  |
Rentschler Field Is getting Ready Posted: 25 May 2010 12:31 PM PDT  
Flooded Rentschler Field during an open house on June 14, 2003. They weren't just there for the free hotdogs and Sprite Remix, either. Many bought season tickets and waited in line for 45 minutes to tour the impressive facility, which is owned by the State of Connecticut. Rentschler Field is a stadium in East Hartford, Connecticut. It is primarily used for football, and is the home field of the University of Connecticut Huskies. Starting in the fall of 2010, it will be home to the Hartford Colonials of the United Football League. The stadium, which opened in 2003, was the first stadium used primarily by an NCAA Division I-A (now FBS) team to open in the 21st century. It holds 40,000 people and can be expanded. Connecticut played on campus at Memorial Stadium in Storrs, before 2003. If you missed the open house, I'll take you on a virtual tour of Rentschler Field. Along the way, you'll be able to sit inside a skybox and see where you might be parking if you've already got your season tickets. My husband was convinced that there isn't a bad seat in the house after seeing Rentschler Field up close. Even the end zone seats are very close to the field and should be a fine vantage point for watching a game. The University of Connecticut Huskies play at the state-of-the-art Rentschler Field in East Hartford. This 40,000-seat venue is not only the perfect place for a football game, but also for huge concert events. "It's pretty special to see him," said goalkeeper Tim Howard, a high school basketball star at North Brunswick High School in New Jersey. "To be an ultimate great — we work so hard and feel you've got a little bit of success — and then you look at a guy like him and it's like, how the heck do you do that?" Tags: rentschler field  |
Slipknot Bassist Is Found Dead Posted: 25 May 2010 12:26 PM PDT  
A hotel employee found Gray, 38, dead in a room at the TownePlace Suites in Urbandale, a suburb of Des Moines, police said in a statement. An autopsy was planned for Tuesday. "Paul Gray was an awesome person on and off stage. He will be missed by many including myself," Jacoby Shaddix, lead singer of metal band Papa Roach, said in a statement late Monday. "His spirit will live on through the killer music he wrote." "This is a big blow, not only to the community of Des Moines but fans of metal at large, worldwide," Hall said. "It's a devastating loss. Paul was a wonderful human being." Gray had been staying at the hotel for "a couple days," Urbandale Sgt. Dave Disney said, declining further comment. Gray lived in the nearby suburb of Johnston. "I'm so crushed to hear about the passing of Paul Gray," Shadows Fall singer Brian Fair told MTV News. "I had the pleasure of first getting to know him on a press trip to New York City before our tour with Slipknot and Lamb of God in 2005." Paul Gray leaves behind his pregnant wife Brenna Gray – the couple were expecting their first child at the time of his death and the news is a big shock to his family and friends. The heavy metal band Slipknot are from Des Moines, Iowa and the surviving members are Sid Wilson, Joey Jordison, Chris Fehn, Jim Root, Craig Jones, Shawn "Clown" Crahan, Mick Thomson, and Corey Taylor. Tags: slipknot, paul gray, paul grey, paul gray dead, slipknot paul gray  |
24 finale Is going to Hit Posted: 25 May 2010 12:21 PM PDT  
'24,' the acclaimed thriller that launched the career of Elisha Cuthbert, gave us a black president and made Jack Bauer a household name may be ending on the small screen, but there are rumored big screen plans for our hero. Here at TV Squad we've been lamenting the loss of our favorite action hero with several features devoted to Jack and his very long eight days. Norrie: It's worth the bet I suppose. And if these odd s were actually offered out on the open market, I suspect Kiefer Sutherland would instantly be the most hunted man in America. He would need a Jack Bauer-like guy to protect him. (Or at the very least Curtis). Pacchione: I've said before where the show would improve dramatically if they were to kill off Jack and turn season 8 into a prequel. I can't imagine that would actually happen. Then again, I never thought they'd use Janeane Garofalo for an entire season. Even Chloe is played as trembling with fear as she sticks up for what's right. President Cherie Jones, the strongest female character, has barely been seen this year. And President Hassan's wife, who has all the makings of a strong character, is prevented from being viewed as such because they decided to also tag her as the cheated on spouse. It's not that they don't know how to portray a female as a strong villain. Last year they had two. President Jones' daughter was evil but tough, and went down while still hard as nails. Same for the female terrorist who went out in an inglorious blaze. Go with "bad guy," as to get that revenge, he was willing to use Jack as a human bomb to blow up Wilson. (Who, by the way, was behind not just this year's conspiracy, but every problem stretching back to the assassination of President Palmer.) Nor was Tony the only one planning to weaponize poor Jack: Wilson's team was hoping to use him as a giant pathogen petri dish. But both plots were foiled, thanks in no small part to — and here comes the best part — Kim! Think of it as Cougar Girl redeemed: She freed herself from her kidnap crisis, helped kill one of her captors, rescued his computer from a fire, and told Renee how to use it to locate the conspirators. (The what's-with-this-family look on Renee's face was priceless.) Tags: 24, 24 movie, 24 series finale, 24 season finale, 24 fox  |
Bleach Episode 272 Posted: 25 May 2010 11:44 AM PDT  
 The only problem with this is that he kinda lost control of himself. Anyway, to make the story a bit short, to give way to Bleach 272, Ichigo finally became stronger than Ulquiorra and so the real battle began and Ulquiorra was the one who got beaten up. Ulquiorra got defeated and he thinks that the very idea of loosing to a mere human who could transform into a hollow is ludicrous. Now in this upcoming episode 272, their fight will be concluded and let's just hope that Ichigo will be victorious. Bleach 272 is the next installment in the anime series bleach. It is actually one of the most sought anime nowadays because of the superb story line and action that it brings to its viewers. This ongoing anime series gives loyal followers the episodes that they deserve. Take for example Bleach Episode 272 which has the title Ichigo VS Urukiora, kecchaku! meaning Ichigo vs. Ulquiorra, Conclusion!. This will be the episode where the winner between the 2 great rivals will be decided. If you have not seen the previous episode yet, then I suggest that you watch it because it is one of those Eureka moments in the whole series. To give you a brief insight, Ichigo got beaten up so badly by the 2nd transformation of Ulquiorra where he almost nearly died but thanks to his hollow powers, Ichigo has reach his 2nd Hollow Form where he acquired great strength and speed. You can watch and download Bleach Episodes & Movies without registration. At the moment we have all current Bleach episodes and movies, Bleach is one of the longest ongoing anime serie ever made so every week a new episode comes out. Watch Bleach at bookmark us and do not forget to spread the word to everbody. Anyway, to make the story a bit short, to give way to Bleach 272, Ichigo finally became stronger than Ulquiorra and so the real battle began and Ulquiorra was the one who got beaten up. Ulquiorra got defeated and he thinks that the very idea of loosing to a mere human who could transform into a hollow is ludicrous. Now in this upcoming episode 272, their fight will be concluded and let's just hope that Ichigo will be victorious. tags: bleach 272, bleach 272 raw, bleach 272 vostfr, dileme, fairy tail 31 vostfr  |
Bachelorette 2010 Trying Their Level Best Posted: 25 May 2010 11:22 AM PDT  
The Bachelorette 2010 Recap, Spoilers on Ali Fedotowsky and more updates. The last time I saw Ali Fedotowsky was in the last season of The Bachelor. Though she is really a loser on that time here we comes for another season of The Bachelorette 2010. The premiere episode of The Bachelorette was aired last night and most of the viewers see some shocking event on the competition. This season, the bachelorette is Ali; you may remember Ali from when her heart was broken when she left Jake in past seasons of the hit TV show. This season fans are in for a fun ride as they will watch 25 different men battle it out to be with the bachelorette. While these men battle it out to get with Ali, they will travel to some of the most exotic and exciting places around the world, this season these locations include New York City, Iceland, Turkey, Portugal, and Tahiti. These are the locations in which their fantasy dates will take place and the men will be ruled out one by one. When Kyle got out of the limo, he pretended to reel Ali in with a fake fishing rod, while Jason did a flip off the top of the limo. Is it just me or does some of the guys appear strange!! Next up was the cocktail party, and Frank is the first to pull Ali up for some one-on-one time. Kirk then revealed that he had made a scrapbook for Ali, which Craig M. described as "just weird." When Ali grabbed Justin for some alone time, he revealed to her that he's a professional wrestler. He then opened his shirt, to reveal the name of his alter-ego – "Rated-R." Ali Fedotowsky said that, she has changed her priorities in life, but she is still a kind of girl that likes to have fun in life. As per criteria, there will be 25 guys on the show who will be seen trying their level best to steal her heart. As the show will progress, only two among all those 25 guys will be able to remain in the show and others will be eliminated ultimately. In the end, the winner will be chosen by Ali Fedotowsky. Tags: bachelorette, bachelorette ali, ali fedotowsky, bachelorette abc, bachlorette  |
Joe Mcginniss Is a Very Brave Man Posted: 25 May 2010 11:11 AM PDT  
Joe announced to Todd that he's moved in right next door to us. He's rented the place for the next five months or so. He moved up all the way from Massachusetts to live right next to us – while he writes a book about me. Knowing of his many other scathing pieces of "journalism" (including the bizarre anti-Palin administration oil development pieces that resulted in my Department of Natural Resources announcing that his work is the most twisted energy-related yellow journalism they'd ever encountered), we're sure to have a doozey to look forward to with this treasure he's penning. Wonder what kind of material he'll gather while overlooking Piper's bedroom, my little garden, and the family's swimming hole? We found out the good news today. Upon my family's return this morning from endorsement rallies and speeches in the Lower 48 states, I finally got the chance to tackle my garden and lawn this evening! (Okay by a show of hands how many of you believe that Sarah EVER does yard work anymore. I mean unless a camera crew is nearby.) So, putting on the shorts and tank top (was this necessary?) to catch that too-brief northern summer sun and placing a giddy Trig in his toddler backpack for a lawn-mowing adventure (Who in the hell mows a lawn with a toddler strapped to their backs? And what kind of crazy ass image is she trying to project here?), I looked up in surprise to see a "new neighbor" overlooking my property just a stone's throw away. Needless to say, our outdoor adventure ended quickly after Todd went to introduce himself to the stranger who was peering in. McGinniss graduated from the College of the Holy Cross in 1964 and became a general assignment reporter at the Worcester Telegram in Worcester, MA. Within a year he left to become a sportswriter for The Philadelphia Bulletin. He then moved to the The Philadelphia Inquirer as a general interest columnist. McGinniss became an overnight success when his first book, The Selling of the President, landed on The New York Times bestseller list when he was 26 years old, making him the youngest living writer with that achievement. The book described the marketing of Richard Nixon during the 1968 presidential campaign. "Welcome, Joe! It'll be a great summer – come borrow a cup of sugar if ever you need some sweetener," Ms. Palin wrote in a note to Mr. McGiniss on Facebook. "And you know what they say about 'fences make for good neighbors'? Well, we'll get started on that tall fence tomorrow, and I'll try to keep Trig's squeals down to a quiet giggle so we don't disturb your peaceful summer. Enjoy!" Tags: joe mcginniss  |
Ann Curry Posted: 25 May 2010 11:03 AM PDT  
Curry, a graduate of the University of Oregon, cited evangelist Billy Graham, horror director Wes Craven, and 9/11 hero Todd Beamer, who was a passenger on United Airlines flight 93. While it's true all three attended Wheaton, it was the Christian liberal arts college in Illinois, not the school in Norton where Curry was speaking. Ann Curry (born November 19, 1956) is an American television news journalist and news anchor on NBC's morning television program Today since May 1997 and host of Dateline NBC since May 2005. Along with Lester Holt, she is the primary substitute for Brian Williams on NBC Nightly News. The problem is the evangelist, the horror movie director and the former U.S. House Speaker all attended the Wheaton College in Illinois, not the one in Massachusetts. The NBC newswoman on Monday sent an apology letter to Massachusetts school's president, Ron Crutcher, and the college community. "I am mortified by my mistake," she wrote, "and can only hope the purity of my motive, to find a way to connect with the graduates and encourage them to a life of service, will allow you to forgive me." College spokesman Michael Graca said Tuesday the apology was accepted. "We thought it was heartfelt and genuine," he said. When Curry learned of her mistake she posted an apology on the school website and she noted the students' impeccable manners for being polite, during her gaffe: "I am mortified by my mistake, and can only hope the purity of my motive, to find a way to connect with the graduates and to encourage them to a life of service, will allow you to forgive me," tags: ann curry  |
Kwame Kilpatrick Is UnderArest ! Posted: 25 May 2010 10:33 AM PDT  
"Your testimony in this court amounted to perjury" the Detroit Free Press quotes Judge Groner as saying. "Most compelling is that you lied to this court, continue to lie, after you pleaded guilty to lying. The initial 120 days incarceration did nothing to rehabilitate you." Before Kilpatrick was handcuffed and led from the courtroom, Judge Groner reminded him that the probation violation hearing was his own fault. At issue is $1 million in restitution Kilpatrick owes the city after pleading guilty in 2008 to obstruction of justice. Sexually explicit text messages showed Kilpatrick had lied under oath about an affair with a staff member. Wayne County Circuit Judge David Groner will determine Kilpatrick's punishment Tuesday. Groner ruled last month that the former mayor failed to report all assets and meet other conditions of his probation. • That Kilpatrick deposited unspecified sums of cash into bank accounts without declaring the funds as income. • That Bernard Kilpatrick received large amounts of money from contractors and business owners in return for official acts by the mayor; and that he pressured others to donate to his son's political or civic fund. • That Kado paid at least $30,000 in bribes to mayoral aide Derrick Miller, including $10,000 for a trip to Europe. Tags: kwame kilpatrick latest news, click on detroit, detnews, freep, wxyz  |
Lindsay Lohan Ankle Bracelet Publicizing Breathalyzer technology Posted: 25 May 2010 10:16 AM PDT  
For the time being, the ankle bracelets are only sold to the courts, probation officers and others who want to make sure drunken drivers or anyone involved in alcohol-related offenses don't drink again "That might be a market down the road," said Kathleen Brown, a spokeswoman for Al(0h00-l Monitoring Systems Inc., which makes the only alcohol ankle bracelet. Her lifestyle was previously a source of concern for studio chiefs of her recent film Georgia Rule, who criticised her "all-night heavy partying". The Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor uses an oxidant that reacts with alcohol after one large glass of wine to cause a noticeable change in the reading. The system is not available in the UK but has become popular in the U.S. It costs up to £50 to install and about £5 per day to process the collected data. The actress left a Beverly Hills courthouse on Monday wearing an alcohol-detecting device strapped to her ankle after facing Judge Marsha Revel, who ordered the star not to leave California and not to drink alcohol or take drugs for the foreseeable future. The hearing came five days after Lohan missed a mandatory court appearance because she was stranded in Europe without a passport. Tags: lindsay lohan court, lindsay lohan iç çamaşırsız, rip torn, リンジー・ローハン, wilmer valderrama  |