Monday, March 22, 2010

Goss One

Goss One

Jammu University B.ED Revaluation Results 2009 Out


The B.ED 2009 results of Jammu University have been declared. The results of re-evaluation for B.Sc /B.A/ B.Com/ B.C.A (Part-III)/B.B.A has also been declared. Students who want to check the results can login to the official website of Jammu University check their results. The Jammu University was established in the year 1969 and it has been [...]

Bart Stupak Called ‘Baby Killer’ Video


In an indication of just how polarized our politics have become, pro-life Democrat Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI), who held out until the last minute for more restrictive language on federal funding for abortion, was called a "baby-killer" as he spoke on the House floor tonight. According to MSNBC's Luke Russert, the shout came from the Republican side, from [...]

Iceland Volcano Eruption Video


In early Sunday, 21 March 2010, Icelandic people were surprised with volcano eruption. It is happened in the area of Eyjafallajoekull glacier in Southern Iceland. According to AF, the Iceland volcano eruption 2010 has forced more than 500 people to leave their homes to be evacuated into safer place. So far, there's no official report [...]

Health Care Reform Bill H.R. 4872 Summary


FULL TEXT OF THE BILL HERE: H.R. 4872 ,The CBO score is here. Sec. 1001.  Affordability. Improves the financing for premiums and cost sharing for individuals with incomes up to 400% of the federal poverty level.  Subsection (a) improves tax credits to make premiums more affordable as a percent of income; and subsection (b) improves support for [...]


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