2 huge blogging milestones reached in May
My network of blogs reached two huge milestones in May. Huge is a relative term, of course. Huge compared to what? Right? I wrote my book - see the sidebar - back in December. It's out of date. The title says 20 million. In May, the network passed 26 million. That's one. The other - we surpassed 2 million visits in one month. 2.18 million! That is approaching 1 page view per second...24/7. You gotta do it once before you can do it twice, right? We have done it once! It took me over a year to get to 1 million total. We passed 1 million in one month for the first time in November of last year - 3.5 years from my first blog post in March '06. From 1 million monthly to 2 million monthly took just 6 months. A friend sent me a link to a blogger who boasted he got 30,000 visits in a month by posting just 2 times each week. I could do that but I get more than 30,000 visits in less than 12 hours...each day, every day. He has a total of 173 posts. I have more than 15,000. It's true in life, it's true in blogging. You get out of it what you put into it. I am happy to share what I know. Please join me at a meetup, a workshop or check out my book (It's a very easy read). Make a difference, Bill | Nuts and Bolts Blogging in Sacto! - June 26th
| Build your own platform and fan base with a blogWhether you've written a book or are developing an idea, in this technological age, agents and publishers want clients with an established audience. A surefire way to build a following is through a blog, designed to draw attention to your work and kick-start your marketing potential. In response to this evolving need, the CWC, Sacramento Branch, will host a blogging workshop. Attendees will leave the workshop with the skills to create and maintain a blog to spread the word of their work in a way that will reach thousands of people-all from the comfort of the writer's home, via computer.
Details to register here.
You will need to scroll down on the page |
Where do blogs go when they grow up? |
Where do blogs go when they grow up?
This is a question I have been considering for some time now. I will share with you in coming weeks/months, that is, I will think out loud with readers of this newsletter where I hope to take my blog network in the coming months/years. I will tell you all where I think a blog can go when it grows up. I will put myself out there. But only for newsletter readers. Please stay with me.
But that's not the only way I am putting myself out there.
A friend and I are training for a 50K run. (31.1 miles) and we will do it in November. We plan to pass the hat around, take pledges and buy children back who have been sold into slavery in India. Seriously.
I used to do this when I was in Japan with some of my students. Some $100K later and we bought a lot of kids, restored them to their homes, educated their families and villages, gave shots, dug wells, built hospital wings....
Now, I am doing it with some friends from the church where I preach.
In more ways than one I want to
Make a difference,
Bill Belew Silicon Valley, CA |
| | | The Single Best Way to Build Your Platform and Get the Word Out on Your Topic
|  | Speaking of Meetups.
The June 1st (today!) meetup will be about "The Single Best Way to Build Your Platform and Get the World Out on Your Topic."
Click on the link for details.
Not only will you learn something about building a platform, you will meet like-minded folk and have a chance to build your network.
Oh, have I said before that the meetups were free?
South Bay Writers Monthly Dinner/Lecture
There is a cost - NONE of which goes into my pocket - of $15 for first time guests who say they found the meeting via meetup. The meeting/meetup includes a buffet dinner and a chance to hang out and otherwise network with a bunch of other writers. If you are serious about writing, why would you NOT want to be there? If you got the time, and the inclination, see you on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at Lookout Bar & Grill 605 Macara Ave, Sunnyvale, CA. | How Wilby Got 20 Million | How I got 20 million plus readers to my blogs. You can order the book directly from me, by going to my website or through Amazon.com. The cheapest way is through me.
From me: $10.00 List Price: $11.95 S & H: $3.00
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