Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Goss One

Goss One

Japan’s PM Yukio Hatoyama resign and Japanese Stocks Rise


Japanese prime minister Yukio Hatoyama stated his plan of stepping down from his position over a televised address to his country. Hatoyama's decision came after a recent drop of his approval ratings over the week. Japan's prime minister has failed to fulfill his campaign promise of removing an American air base off the island of Okinawa. But according to Hatoyama, [...]

Miley Cyrus Covers Billboard Magazine June 2010 Issue! Photo


Very pretty Miley Cyrus Covers Billboard Magazine. Miley Cyrus for Billboard Magazine June 2010 issue is clad in black attire with a big M. Miley Cyrus in black dress looks fabulous. She is flaunting her grown up attitude and beautiful hair on magazine cover. Miley talks about many things in this issue. 17 year old Hannah Montana [...]

Heaven on a Spoon!!!: Mutton Biryani


Mutton Biryani is a delicious rice-made dish which is most popular among the Muslims and non-Muslims in India. Dont know how they prepare it but it tastes good only when Muslims made it. I always wonder that people make chicken biryani very often at home but when it comes to mutton biryani they prefer going [...]

Playboy in 3D: Marilyn Monroe Playboy Photo Gallery


At around 57 years ago, the staff of Playboy magazine wanted to push through with a 3D magazine with Marilyn Monroe on it. As brilliant as the idea was, it was too expensive for them to include 3D glasses on every issue. If you think about it enough, what's something cool you can [...]

Guatemala Sinkhole 2010: Giant Sinkhole Swallows Guatemala Homes


A sinkhole in Guatemala 2010 opened up on Monday evening. The sinkhole is 30 meters in diameter, 60 meters deep and is in downtown Guatemala City. A three-story building disappeared into the sinkhole. One person was killed when the Guatemala sinkhole opened up. This is the second major Guatemala sinkhole to open up in the [...]

Megan Fox Caught Without Makeup Photo


Megan Fox without makeup, best known for her role in the film "Devilish Temptation" was found by the paparazzi visiting some shops in the city completely without makeup, and this was definitely an event not to let them pass and camera in hand began to photograph the artist. Very famous for its sensuality, it is known [...]

Al and Tipper Gore separate: Gore divorce after 40-year marriage! Photo


Al and Tipper Gore separate after 40 years of marriage! Based from an e-mail that was sent among the couple's friends and was obtained by The Associated Press news outlet, the Gores said it was "a mutual and mutually supportive decision that we have made together following a process of long and careful consideration." Al [...]


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