Bill Belew, PanAsianBiz Owner Announces
PanAsianBiz  | Silicon Valley, California - May 11th, 2010 -
I am pleased to announce that going forward we hope to send out a weekly newsletter about the goings on of PanAsianBiz and her sister sites.
Some of the things you might find in this newsletter that you might not find at the sites are a list of the most popular posts for the week, job announcements, new launches, author introductions and other ways you can interact with PanAsianBiz to make it your go-to place for news in Asia.
Thank you for signing up to receive regular updates to PanAsianBiz. I look forward to sharing with you via this additional medium as well.
Please don't hesitate to let us know how we can serve you better.
Bill Belew
Did you Know?
Silicon Valley  | Did you know that PanAsianBiz's home is in Silicon Valley, CA.
Bill Belew, founder/owner of PanAsianBiz and other sites in the CosmoFair Network lives right in the heart of the Valley - a couple of miles from Yahoo in one direction, another couple of miles from Google in another direction and Apple is just 2 more miles away in a third direction.
Not only does PAB have its finger on Asia, the goings on in the Valley do not escape the every day notice of Bill either.
Watch for him to share some of those happenings here.
Other Sites in the CosmoFairNetwork Did someone say Bollywood, Hollywood and Celebs? - Did someone say Japan, gadgets? - A look around South Asia... - China! - Blogging....blogging...blogging... and more....
About Bill Belew
Bill Belew  | Bill Belew is the founder/creator of PanAsianBiz and all other web sites in the CosmoFair Network. The first post of PanAsianBiz was written in March of '06. Since that time, more than 24 million pages have been viewed at the CosmoFair Network. PanAsianBiz is the largest. Bill's interest in Asia came from having lived there for nearly 20 years. He lived mostly in Japan but also spent considerable time in Russia and China. Bill's interest in India came when he first visited for 3 weeks. The trip coincided with the Holi Festival and Bill found himself locked in a hotel room with his Indian friends. They spent the entire day watching cricket and Bill has followed the sport since that time. I hope you will continue to enjoy the sites of the CosmoFair Network - PanAsianBiz, FilmyFair, RisingSunofNihon, SouthAsiaFair, EastAsiaFair...and the like. The sites of the CosmoFair network are devoted to how the world enjoys life! Don't hesitate to let us know how we can serve you better. Bill |
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