SSC Online has started the online submission of the application form for this year 2010. Detailed instructions of the application form filling are available at the official site.
The filling of online application contains two parts: which are Part I Registration & Part II Registration. In Part 1 – candidate will have to fill basic information. On submission of details, candidate will be prompted to check the details and make correction, if required, in the application.
Here is the complete detailed procedure about this year SSC online application form filling. You can visit site to do the rest of the task.
When "I agree" button is pressed, a page with Registration No. will be generated. Please note down registration number or take a print out of the page. The application is incomplete without part II registration. Part II registration contains filing procedure of payment details, uploading of photograph, and scanned signature.
Candidates who can pay application fee online though SBI net banking or cash through SBI bank challan.
To pay fee in cash, candidate should take printout of challan generated online after completion of part I registration. Deposit the requisite fee in any branch of State Bank of India and then continue with Part II registration.
Those who want to pay online through net banking can go directly to part II registration after completion of part I. Candidate will have to supply registration number and date of birth to continue to Part II registration.
Those who are exempted from payment of fee can skip steps 4 to 6.
Then upload a recently taken scanned photograph in 8 – bit grayscale JPG format. The digital size of the file must be of resolution 100 pixel widths by 120 pixels height.
Then upload your scanned signature in 8 – bit grayscale JPG format. The digital size of the file must be of resolution 140 pixel widths by 60 pixels height.
An email will be sent to your email address informing you – that your application has been successfully registered. Registration No, email confirming registration and proof of payment of application fee should be retained by you.
Regional offices of the commission have been advised to place details of application numbers, Roll numbers and ticket number of candidates at least one week before the date of the examination. They will also provide the facility of downloading of Admission Certificate (Hall Ticket) from their website. If you do not receive the Admission Certificate within a month of the Examination and are unable to download the Admission Certificate from the Regional website concerned, you must contact the Regional office concerned.

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