Wednesday, October 27, 2010

“Woman Teacher Charged With Appalling Abuse Of Trust” plus 7 more

“Woman Teacher Charged With Appalling Abuse Of Trust” plus 7 more

Woman Teacher Charged With Appalling Abuse Of Trust

Posted: 27 Oct 2010 12:27 PM PDT

Hina Patel, a 37 year old woman teacher has been charged with 'appalling abuse of trust' in Merseyside for having her found guilty of indulging herself in sexual intercourse with two of her 15 year old students.

The incidents took place when Patel was working with Birkdale High School for boys near Southport, Merseyside as a supply teacher. The sources informed that she called the boys at her home in Hightown for several weeks between February 1 and March 18 this year and had full sexual intercourse with the teenagers.

This awful act has put many people in disappointment. The Head Teacher of the same Birkdale school, Gary Loveridge said, "I am appalled she used her position in such a way. But we are relieved that we found out at such an early stage – but it just shows how you have to be very vigilant and your processes have to be robust."

Patel was suspended from her services as a teacher, as soon as the allegations against her started making the rounds, earlier this year.

Alzheimer And Dementia Calling For The Heavy Smokers

Posted: 27 Oct 2010 11:58 AM PDT

It is really a good idea to smoke heavily, if you want to attract Alzheimer. A recent study has found that people who smoke more than 40 cigarettes a day are two times more likely to develop the disease. Apart from risking oneself to Alzheimer, there are chances of people getting sick with dementia.

The study continued for 23 years and the subjects of this study were almost 21,000 middle aged people. This is the project conducted by the US scientists.

Dr Rachel Whitmer, the lead author of the study said, "This study shows that the brain is not immune to the long-term consequences of heavy smoking.We know smoking compromises the vascular system by affecting blood pressure and elevates blood-clotting factors, and we know vascular health plays a role in risk of Alzheimer’s disease."

The authors of the study informed that those who consumed more than 40 cigarettes per day had 157 per cent higher risk of suffering with the Alzheimer and 172 per cent higher risk of vascular dementia, which caused due to the poor supply to the brain.

7 Indicators the Chinese Economy will Slow in 2008

Posted: 27 Oct 2010 07:04 AM PDT

The Chinese yuan gained seven percent last year. Interest rates were raised six times.

Still, the economy grew at 11.5% in the third quarter and 11.2% in the fourth. But, can/will the yuan continue to rise and are there indicators that China's economy will slow or even stop?

There are.

1. A recession in the United states is one.

2. Cooling demand in Japan.

3. Cooling demand in Europe.

These three markets buy up some 48% of China's exports.

4. China's benchmark stocks hit a six-month low yesterday.

5. January manufacturing saw growth in shipments overseas slow.

6. Exports grew at the slowest pace in 5 years last quarter.chinese.economy.slow.jpg

7. The stronger yuan has made Chinese goods more expensive.

To be sure, China's economy will continue to grow for sometime, just not as quickly.

When do you think the Chinese economy will slow down? 


Condom Wars at Upscale Hotels in Shanghai

Posted: 27 Oct 2010 03:03 AM PDT

Shanghai has more than 2,300 hotels in the financial district of Pudong. Despite more than 80 percent of their clients being foreigners (as if that should make a difference), 40 percent of the hotels and recreation centers in the area refuse the request to have free condom boxes installed.

The guests will bring their own or ask hotel staff to go shopping for them says one hotel manager.

But there are 17 million people in Shanghai and the population is growing counters the Shanghai Population and Family Planning Commission.condom.jpg

Another hotel manager says that ‘providing free boxes of condoms in each room is a total waste and nonsense."

A SPFPC representative countered with "we will provide more variety and better condoms, and strengthen the publicity of enterprises, which have provided free condoms."

Yet another hotel manager – condom boxes will "make guests uncomfortable and damage the company’s reputation."

SPFPC’s response – "AIDS and STDs make guests even more uncomfortable."

Should there be free condoms made avaialable in theses hotels? In any and all hotels? Would it be bad for business even in an upscale hotel?

What do you think?

Unpatched Mozilla Firefox Used In Attacks, Malicious Software Could Be Planted In Users Computer

Posted: 27 Oct 2010 02:14 AM PDT

Mozilla, browser giant, has warned people and users, about an unpatched Firefox browser, which is being used by cyber criminals to plant malicious softwares on a users computer. The attack of this bug was uncovered by a cyber security vendor, Norman, which found that the bug was active on the Nobel Peace Prize Website.

According to Norman, the bug would install on it’s own, on the users computer without warning, if the users would be using a Mozilla 3.5 or 3.6 to view this website. Mozilla on the other hand has confirmed about the attack, stating that it will be taking swift action against it. Mozilla authorities stated “We have diagnosed the issue and are currently developing a fix, which will be pushed out to Firefox users as soon as the fix has been properly tested,”

The company has said the bug attacks only the 3.5 and 3.6 versions of the firefox, but it did not mention the vulnerability it had on the operating systems. According to anti virus manufacturer Norton, it has said that the bug aims on the Windows operating system, and that it will install a Trojan virus on the computer which will automatically start downloading more malicious softwares from the web, until it completely destroys the victim’s computer.

One Giant Bottle of Beer on the Wall, One Giant Bottle of Beer….

Posted: 26 Oct 2010 11:02 PM PDT

Nothing gets people together and in a happier mood than a beer fest unless it's a big beer fest….with giant bottles of beer and thirsts to go along with it.

In China's northeast Heilongjiang Province in the southern Siberian city of Harbin there is an international beer festival going on…it's sixth.

Giant beer bottles adorn the streets and people from all over will come to enjoy the 15 days of festivities = drunk fest.

Harbiners need beer in the summer time…and the summer only lasts about weeks. The rest of the time, it is either cold, or colder, unless it is severly cold.

I took a walk with a friend once during the international

ice festival – -26C. (about the same Fahrenheit).

It was so cold we talked into each other's gloves and then waited till we got home to thaw the words out to find out what was said.

Are you a beer drinker?

Paul The Octopus dead

Posted: 26 Oct 2010 08:40 PM PDT

On Tuesday, the Sea Life Aquarium in Oberhausen Germany reported that Paul passed away of natural causes.

Paul the Octopus, who prognosticated the outcome of all the 2010 World Cup matches, died in his aquarium in Germany.

Paul the Octopus captured the world’s attention and notoriety  by
selecting food from boxes representing either team in the soccer match. 
Every time Paul correctly “predicted” not just the results of his
German matches but also the World Cup winner.

Many in Germany wanted to make calamari out of Paul when he predicted
Spain over Germany, but he lived on undisturbed in his Oberhausen home.

The New York Daily News
reported, “‘He appears to have passed away peacefully during the night,
of natural causes, and we are consoled by the knowledge that he enjoyed
a good life here,’ said Stefan Porwoll, manager of the aquarium in
Oberhausen. ‘His success made him almost a bigger story than the World
Cup itself.’”
The odds of him predicting all eight World Cup matches was 1 in
256.   However, there were other matches, that were not World Cup
matches that he did not predict correctly.

Runaway Credit Problem in China

Posted: 26 Oct 2010 07:00 PM PDT

Somebody agrees with me.

The chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commissions is calling for Chinese banks to take effective measuers to prevent a further increas in non-performing loans.

Chinese banks have provided 10.9 trillion yuan ($1.3 trillion) in medium and long term loans as of Sept. this year – up more than 21% over last card.jpg

Fixed asset investments hit 7.9 trillion yuan ($1 trillion) up 27% over last year.

The biggest problem seems to be two-fold. Credit fraud AND bank employees not doing due diligence on credit application evaluations.

That’s an awful lot of money…and when one too many people/companies start defaulting…it will be one serious snowball at the bottom of the hill.

What do you think?


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