Thursday, August 18, 2011



OBC quota clarification done by supreme court regarding cut off marks

Posted: 18 Aug 2011 10:18 PM PDT

Yesterday on August 18th 2011, Supreme court made few clarification regarding Other backward classes cut off marks and seats.

Supreme court announced that Other Backward Classes quota cut off marks will be not more than 10% less than that of general category cut off marks.

A petition was filed by PV Indersan who was a former professor of IIT Madras, regarding clearing the doubts and remove the discrepancies occurring.

This order regarding OBC clarification was passed by a bench headed by Justice RV Raveendran and also told that admission of 2011-12 will not be affected by this order.

After this extent of clarification, now it seems it will be easier for universities for implementing OBC reservarions in their universities.


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